Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club - Bylaws


We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further exchange of information and co-operation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community.

Membership is open to all persons interested in amateur radio communication. Membership shall be by application and election upon such terms as the club shall by its by-laws provide. Members shall agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club. Full membership is open to licensed radio amateurs. Full membership of paid up members in good standing with the club includes all club privileges, as well as rights to hold club office and to vote for club officers.


. Attend club meetings regularly
. Help the club maintain the positive, friendly enviroment necessary for all members to learn and grow
. Treat fellow club members and guests with respect and courtesy
. Adhere to the guidelines and rules
. Maintain honest and highly ethical standards


SECTION I - Any member whose Federal Communications Commission-issued license is suspended or revoked with cause or who is assessed a fine or other penalty by the FCC shall be removed from membership in the Club at the pleasure of a simple majority (50% +1) of Club Members present at a scheduled meeting of the Club.

SECTION II - Any member who operates his/her station in violation of Part 97 of the FCC Rules and Regulations, and who does not cease and desist from the aforementioned violations, may be removed from membership in the Club at the pleasure of a simple majority (50% +1) of Club Members present at a scheduled meeting of the Club.

SECTION III - Any member who causes adverse publicity to Amateur Radio or the Club may be removed from membership in the Club at the pleasure of a simple majority (50% +1) of Club Members present at a scheduled meeting of the Club.

SECTION IV - Any member who is abusive, through direct contact, gossip, email or other means may be removed from membership in the club at the pleasure of a simple majority (50% +1) of Club Members present at a scheduled meeting of the Club.

SECTION V - Any member whose annual dues are in arrears for more than 60 days shall be removed from the membership rolls, but may be reinstated upon payment of said dues.

SECTION VI - Any member desiring to bring charges against a fellow member shall appear before the Executive Committee and present the facts. The committee shall investigate the Aforementioned "charges" and rule on the case. The decision of the Committee shall be final. All records of arbitration shall be sealed except for the resolution or decision of the committee.

Section 1
The officers of this club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The club may combine the Secretary and Treasure offices if they deem necessary.

Section 2
The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year by ballot of the full membership present; provided there be a quorum; at the regular meeting in November to take office beginning January 1.

Section 3
Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by an election at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal, removal from office, or resignation of the elected officer.

Section 4
Officers may be removed by a quorum vote of the membership. An office is vacated when an officer misses three consecutive meetings without a legitimate excuse accepted by the club. The club must vote whether to accept or reject the excuse and it must pass or be denied by a quorum vote of the membership present.

Section 1
The President shall preside at all meetings of this club, and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He or she shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and By-laws; decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the club, and none other; and perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of president. The President shall execute the decisions of the membership as expressed by majority vote of a quorum of members present in a timely and diligent fashion.

Section 2
The Vice President shall assume all the duties of the president in the absence of the latter.

Section 3
The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings; keep a roll of members; submit applications for membership; carry all correspondence; read communications at each meeting; and mail written meeting notices to each member when required by the Constitution and By-Laws, or as required by majority vote of a quorum of members present. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Constitution and By-Laws of the club, and hava a copy with him or her at every meeting. He or she shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon; he or shell shall permit the same to be consulted by any member upon request.

Section 4
The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all money paid to the club; He or she shall keep an accurate account of all money received and expended. He or she shall pay no bills without proper authorization (by the club or its officers constituting a business committee). At the end of each quarter he or she shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts.

Section 5
At the expiration of his or her term each officer shall turn over all items belonging to club to his or her successor and explain the duties of their office to their successor.

The by-laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings 2/3 of the average flow of attending Members over the last three monthly meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business as defined in the by-laws.

The club, by quorum vote at any meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objects as set forth in the preamble.

Non-payment of such dues of assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the club within the discretion of the membership.

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum of full members in good standing present. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting.

A current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings, unless specified differently in the By-Laws.


It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Constitution and By-Laws of the club, and have a copy with him or her at every meeting. He or she shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon; he or she shall permit the same to be consulted by any member upon request.

Full membership is open to licensed radio amateurs. Full membership of paid up members in good standing with the club includes all club privileges, as well as rights to hold a club office and to vote for club officers.

Family membership is open to family members of any full member. A family member holds full membership rights if he or she is a licensed amateur radio operator or an associate membership if unlicensed.

Associate membership is open to anyone interested in amateur radio, but are not licensed amateur radio operators. An associate member may not run for or hold an office in the club, vote for officers of the club or vote on issues concerning modification of the constitution or by-laws.

Honorary membership shall be issued at the sole discretion of the club. An honorary membership is one of honor and is not eligible for voting privileges or to hold an office.

Applications for membership shall be submitted at the regular monthly club meeting. Applications for membership should be filed annually for informational purposes, but only need be voted on when an individual wishes to join the club for the first time as a new member.

Regular meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each calendar month at such place as the president shall order provided an established meeting place does not exist. Special meetings may be called by the president upon written request of any five-club members. Notices shall sent to all members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted and all five-club members requesting the special meeting must be present to conduct business. Such notices shall be sent so that in the ordinary postal delivery; they arrive not less than twenty-four hours before the meeting time. The club reserves the right to change the regular meeting day if necessary, but not just for an occasion or one month only.

4. DUES.
A regular annual assessment of $15.00 per year for full membership is hereby assessed in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Constitution for the purpose of providing funds for current expenses.

Family membership is $6.00 per year per family member for full membership (if a licensed radio amateur operator) and $6.00 per year per family member for associate membership (if unlicensed).
Associate membership is $10.00 per year per member.

Dues are due the first day of January each year and cover January through December.

Dues may be prorated for new members only.