Welcome to the Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club

The Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club is an organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of amateur radio.   This year the Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club is 87 years old. The W4VO repeater has been serving Northwest Georgia for over 44 years

Our Club meets once a month - every second Tuesday - at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are usually held at the Rome Senior Citizens' Center, 406 Riverside Parkway, Rome, Ga. C



Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio.

There are three types of membership:

  1. Full Membership requires that the member hold a current FCC Amateur License and all dues are current.
  2. Associate Membership requires that the member's dues are current, however, may not vote or hold office.
  3. Family Membership requires that the family have one (1) membership at full dues and one (1) membership at half dues, for spouse or children under 18 or full time students living at home, to be included in our membership roles.

Dues and Fees

  • Yearly dues are $15.00 or $21.00 for a family membership.


  • To join the NWGARC, Just fill out an application and pay the applicable dues. (New members will be voted on by the club at the next regular club meeting.)
  • You can bring your application and payment our club meeting, complete your application on line and pay your dues with the "Donate" button below, or you can mail your application and check to the address below..
  • Make checks or money orders payable to Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club.
  • If you join on line, please eMail your completed membership application to w4vo@comcast.net .
  • Thank You for supporting our Amateur Radio Club!  


Northwest Georgia Amateur Radio Club
304 Lexington LN SE
Rome,  GA  3016

Application Form: PDF or Word